Seville during winter. With food tour & baby. Wonderful!

“Devour Seville”: Nomen est omen. As such is the name of our food tour experience set right inside the central Barrio of Seville, right between its modern “Setas” as well as its magnificent cathedral. It is the middle of January, and we have just taken a bus in order to reach Seville from Portugal together with our barely eight months old baby boy. No problem at all, as it is but a two-hour journey to get there from Faro. The only “issue” is that little Liam won’t be able to taste all the delicacies in front of him because mummy, I’ve only got two little teeth so far ..!

Liam therefore had no choice but to watch all the other adults participating in the food tour experience tasting what Southern Spain is so well known for. Check out the following images of our food tour with Devour Seville (careful, they might stimulate your appetite right away!).

Hauchzarter Beinschinken im "Mercado de la Encarnación" von Sevilla ...

The perfect slices of Spanish ham served to us at “Mercado de la Encarnación” in Seville, including knowledge on how to recognise it and tell it from other types of ham of a lesser quality …


... gefolgt von den berühmten "Churros" Spaniens ...

… we then move on to tasting Spanish “churros”, a fried pastry that serves as a snack at all times (count those calories later) …


... vorbei an duftenden Orangenbäumen, die jetzt im Winter reife Früchte tragen ...

… moving past aromatic orange trees bearing ripe fruit now in winter …


... durch ein paar der engsten Gassen der Stadt ...

… and squeezing through some of the narrowest streets of the old town of Seville …


... genießen wir, was unsere liebenswürdige Stadtführerin Maria zu bieten hat, und lernen beim Schmausen mehr über die Geschichte mit Geschichten Sevillas ...

… we enjoy what our local food tour guide Maria has to share with us along the eight different tasting stops of the food tour …


... "Devour Seville" geht mit diesen süßen Häppchen zu Ende, danach sind wir voll für einen ganzen Schlemmertag! Herrlich, so eine Food Tour in Spanien!

… what with “Devour Seville” finishing off in this pastry shop, our bellies full and our hearts too! Next time, we’ll have to come back and have you taste Seville’s culinary delights too, little Liam!


In addition to “Devour Seville”, we have also explored the magnificent palace gardens of the Real Alcázar in Seville.

Travelling with our baby son, we had no time to wander around museum rooms (at least he wasn’t particularly keen). So we took him and us to the large gardens adjoining the former royal palaces of Seville, which are definitely worth seeing just as much. Especially now during winter, I believe, where back home nature is fast asleep, it is a delight to see all these colours, blossoms and different shades of green right in front of our eyes. Liam gazes in awe at the first set of peacocks marching in front of him. We decide to spend the entire afternoon there, until the sun sets and the light is fading.

Die Farbenpracht rund um die ehemalige Königsresidenz von Sevilla, genannt "El Alcázar de Sevilla", beginnt schon hier am Hauptplatz samt Kathedrale ...

The beautiful explosion of colours starts around the “Alcázar de Sevilla” royal palace …


... innen drinnen begeistern uns Licht, Ruhe und Farbenspiele ...

… where we are surprised to find such tender, light-filled places right inside the palace gardens …


... der großzügig angelegten Gärten ...

… and would you really believe this is “winter”? A look over the beautiful Alcázar gardens of Seville …


... die Liam und uns wirklich gut gefallen.

… Liam and we really like it here.


Also worth seeing: Plaza de España, Torre de Oro & Plaza de Toros (bull fighting ring) in Seville.

“Really, Elli!? You’ve visited a bull fighting ring ..?”, my brother asks me after receiving an image via WhatsApp. And yes, I have to say, we took ourselves and Liam to a guided tour of Seville’s bull fighting ring, aiming at understanding more about this rather brutal tradition that in modern times is viewed with disdain. From the nearby “Torre de Oro” (Gold Tower), you get to enjoy a wide-ranging view across the local river Río Guadalquivir, the old town of Seville as well as all the way over to Plaza de España. The latter is, in my eyes, one of the most beautiful Plazas in all of Spain. And imagine, we even got to watch a very particular ceremony: A kind of blessing for the local police horses, ponies and dogs! The day being the day of celebrating Saint Anthony, who is the patron saint of animals. Wow!

Segnung für Polizeipferde auf der weltberühmten, zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO gehörenden Plaza de España ...

Blessing of the police animals by a local priest at Seville’s magnificent Plaza de España , declared UNESCO World Heritage …


... wenig später nehmen wir hier mit Liam nahe Córdoba Platz ...

… we have Liam touch the delicate tiles of the province of Granada, where we are travelling to later on this trip …


... doch die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne der Kleinsten unter uns reichte nur für den halben Platz. Auch gut ... bleibt uns mehr Ruhe und Zeit für seine Erkundung.

… after all these morning impressions, it’s time for a nap for him, allowing us to explore the rest of the Plaza with more time and attention.


Blick über die Ufer des Río Guadalquivir, welcher Sevilla auf seinem Weg in die Straße von Gibraltar kreuzt ...

Check out this view from Torre de Oro over Río Guadalquivir, crossing Seville on its way to the Strait of Gibraltar …


... und hier, die von außen zugegebenermaßen strahlend schöne Stierkampfarena Sevillas ...

… and here is an image of the rather splendid bullfighting ring of Seville, as seen from the outside …


... so heiter, wie wir hier heute stehen, war es freilich nicht immer ...

… of couse, it wasn’t always as light-hearted as this image that you can see here …


... voller schöner Eindrücke lassen wir bei einem abendlichen Spaziergang in der winterlichen Wärme Sevillas die Tage hier Revue passieren, und versprechen einander, eines Tages wiederzukehren.

… full of impressions of Seville, we end our stay with a twilight walk across town, just in time to watch the lights go on on this bridge.


If you fancy looking at even more summer-like images of our winter trip to Seville, have a look at my photo gallery here:


And you? Have you already been to beautiful Seville?

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