My Top 10 Instagram Photos in Autumn

It must have been for a reason that I was born in the autumn. Ever since I can think, I attributed the autumn with a special kind of magic: The colours, the intense luminosity of the golden afternoon sun, its last warming rays on your skin, the countless offerings of nature. For me, autumn is a magnificent feast for the senses: The tangy smell of leaves on the ground, mixed with the sweet taste of apples that recall growing up & playing in mum’s garden (I have, as of yet, found no better-tasting apples than those from mum’s garden – despite my many world travels 😉 well done, mum!). And oh, all the sun-kissed wine-terraced hills that autumn sets ablaze before they, too, relax under a blanket of snow in winter. Autumn … is just beautiful. Really!

During the last couple of weeks, I found myself again and again being mesmerized by the beauty of a landscape, a tree, a path and / or sharing the latter with good friends and family. Most of the time, I had my iPhone camera with me and was able to share my emotions via the photo app Instagram (yes, you can find me here as well). So today, it is your turn to experience the beauty of autumn: Enjoy what I consider the most beautiful images portraying the colour display of nature in the autumn.

Gemütlich ausspannen kann man um diese Jahreszeit besonders schön, zum Beispiel in der Nachmittagssonne an einen Nussbaum inmitten der Weingärten des Nordburgenlandes gelehnt ...

Relaxing is a prime at this time of year … leaning against the warmth of a nut tree among the wine terraces of Northern Burgenland, for instance …


Solch intensive Farben ... Wahnsinn. An den Gelb-, Gold- und Rottönen des Herbst kann ich mich einfach nie sattsehen.

Such beautiful colours the autumn holds for us … I love them.


Am besten schmecken immer noch ... die Äpfel aus dem eigenen Garten. Ja wirklich! Auch wenn's kitschig klingt - keine Äpfel mag ich lieber als die von Mamas Garten. :D

The best apples are those from mum’s garden … aren’t they beauties?


Unterwegs mit der lieben Ursula: Im Burgenland waren wir im Obstgarten unsere eigenen Äpfel ernten, noch heute gilt für mich das bekannte Sprichwort: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!"

Travelling with my friend & colleague Ursula in Burgenland and harvesting our very own Burgenland apples near the Neusiedl lake district: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”


Auch Fitness darf im Herbst nicht fehlen: Hier zeige ich Euch eine meiner liebsten Laufstrecken entlang der Donau-Auen in Krems. Mmmh riecht's da gut!

Of course, fitness should not be neglected when heading into the cooler season of the year … Here I share with you one of my favourite jogging trails near where I live, in Krems at the Danube river. And boy, does it smell good running in this forest!


Thema "Lieblingsplatzerl": Dieses habe ich jüngst auf meiner Reise in den WeinSüden Deutschlands im Hotel Rappenhof nahe der Stadt Heilbronn entdeckt. So schön, der Ausblick von diesem Balkon ... gerne wäre ich auch heute noch dort.

What is your favourite place for a rest? I recently found mine, having travelled to the southern red-wine district of Germany near the city of Heilbronn, at Hotel Rappenhof.


Noch ein Blick in Mama's Garten: Die große Platane liefert ihr Kopfzerbrechen (ob der vielen Blätter, die alljährlich im Schwimmteich landen!) und mir wunderschöne Fotomotive ... ! Danke, Mama :)

Stealing another glance from mum’s pretty garden: The large tree that you can see here makes mum worry (because of all the leaves it sheds into her swimming pond each year!) and myself happy, for having had a perfect picture opportunity.


Vor kurzem ist mir diese "sagenumwobene" Aufnahme gelungen, und zwar am Jägersee im Salzburger Land nahe der Kreativ-Destination Altenmarkt-Zauchensee ... Einfach WUNDERSCHÖN. !

Just recently, I was able to capture one of my favourite landscape shots in this year at Salzburg “Jägersee” lake, near the creative travel destination of Altenmarkt-Zauchensee … BEAUTIFUL. !


Last but not least: Als alte Heimat- & Wein-Fan musste es ein Weinrieden-Foto sein. :D Blick über die Weinberge von Krems im Licht der untergehenden Herbstsonne ... Für mich gibt es fast keinen schöneren Moment im Jahr, um Fotos wie diese zu schießen!

Last but not least: Being the happy local I am, this is what we get in front of our doorstep walking up the hills behind Krems … Isn’t this the most gorgeous time of the year (to shoot photos)? 😉

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