First Nation Travel in Canada: A day trip with the Tsuut’ina Nation around Calgary.

(Almost) Everybody knows about the city of Calgary, also known as the “Gateway to the Rocky Mountains” and because of its annual, word-renowned festival “Calgary Stampede“. This time, however, I approached Calgary in quite a different way: By visiting the so-called “First Nations”, the native people of Calgary, allowing for historical connections and modern life circumstances of Canada t come to life in a most impressive way.

At the Brown Bear Woman Events Centre, we'll see how the original settlers of the vast steppes east of the Rocky Mountains spent their lives preserving their traditions into the modern age.

At the Brown Bear Woman Events Centre, we learn how the original settlers of the vast steppes east of the Rocky Mountains spent their lives preserving their traditions into the modern age.


The “Brown Bear Woman Events” welcomes Calgary visitors wishing to dig a bit deeper than the rest.

The “Spotted Elk Business Park” as well as the “Brown Bear Woman Events” Centre, which we reach after about an hour’s drive from the city centre of Calgary, is a joint project of tribal representatives of the Tsuut’ina Nation, an indigenous tribe of Canada. Unlike other indigenous people in the country, they have invested their compensation payments from both the city as well as the state in the further development of their cultural offerings. They have created seminar centers and a kind of adventure park where visitors can learn more about their culture. First out and about, we learn more about traditional facilities such as sweat lodges (the Canadian counterpart to the Finnish sauna), tipis or cultural practices such as children, men or women dances. For me personally, it is especially nice to see that there are many children taking part in the ceremonies, as well as family members of all generations:

Über Land nahe des Brown Bear Woman Events Centre ...

Starting our discovery tour around the Brown Bear Woman Events Centre …


... lernen wir vom Stammeshäuptling höchstpersönlich mehr über Geschichte und Bedeutung der hier wachsenden (Heil)Pflanzen ...

… we learn more about the type of plants being grown here …


... eine Original-Sweat-Lodge mitten im Wald deutet auf Spuren früherer Besiedlung ...

… an original sweat lodge (or rather, the remnants of it) still impresses me deeply …


... wir schlüpfen in das modern, groß gebaute Tipi und staunen ob der Vielfalt an dargebotenen Tänzen und Gesängen der Ureinwohnern von Calgary hier ...

… and I love how proudly the native tribal members showcase their culture in the form of traditional dances here.


Vielen Dank für diesen eindrucksvollen Besuch!

Thank you for such an impressive visit!


The second possibility to learn more about the (indigenous) history of Calgary is the so-called “Heritage Park Calgary”.

Here, too, we are amazed at the variety of visitor experiences offered. The best thing to do is to start your tour directly from the museum, which also offers a cosy restaurant with good regional cuisine. We take an admiring look at the old cars and much older utensils from earlier settlement waves by the first European and Asian immigrants: An Eldorado for adventurers with a taste for history!

Eingang zum Heritage Park

Showcasing the “culture of North America”: Right at the entrance to the Heritage Park Calgary.


A little further afield, we finally reach the “Yellow Otter Tipi” by horse-drawn carriage. Representatives of the First Nations there inform us about the meaning of the yellow otter tipi – from the entrance protocol to the ceremony for men and women, which took place in and around the tipis.

Das "Yellow Otter Tipi" im Heritage Park Calgary ...

The “Yellow Otter Tipi” at the Heritage Park Calgary …


... heißt uns Besucher herzlich willkommen ...

… welcomes us with open arms …


... hier wird beispielsweise demonstriert, wie einst Feuer gemacht wurde ...

… here, for instance, we learn in a demonstration as to how fire was made in former times …


... mehr über die Hintergründe der hier praktizierten Kulturformen erklärt ...

… and just how other tools were used to create different sets of cultural items …


... und auch Besucher selbst dürfen sich in der "hohen Kunst des Speerwerfens" versuchen!

… finally, we too get to try our hands at some of those practices, for instance, throwing spears!


Liebenswerte Menschen, die Ihr bei Eurem nächsten Besuch in Calgary kennen lernen solltet!

Truly lovely people you should definitely meet and make time for upon your next visit in Calgary!


Finally, we get to meet with representatives of the so-called “Métis”, whose ancestors consisted of partly white settlers, partly natives of Canada. Today, they proudly praise the merits and marriage of both cultures. Here, we see two charming representatives of them at work …

... herzlich willkommen heißt es da in ein einfaches, altes Bauernhaus ...

… a warm welcome to this traditional farm house here at the Heritage Park Calgary …


... zum Archäologen und Schmied, dessen Leidenschaft es ist, beide Themen in faszinierenden Geschichten über Vergangenheit und Gegenwart zu verbinden ...

… where this archaeologist and fascinating storyteller wraps us up in countless tales of old and modern …


Auch hier sagen wir vielen Dank für diesen spannenden Besuchertag! Näheres findet Ihr übrigens auch über die Homepage

… thank you again for such an interesting and inspiring day out! Check out more at


Following my first visit to Calgary back in 2016, I have already shared some travel tips and stories with you which you might find useful: “72 Hours in Calgary: Music, Drumheller Dinosaurs & the Wild, Wild West.


More pictures from our culture trip in Calgary are here:


Disclaimer: We have been invited by “Destination Canada” on this culture trip to Calgary. All opinions are my own.

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