English Language & Tourism Training along the Danube in Lower Austria

“Because of the good feedback we’ve had from participants, we would like to extend this English language workshop for members of the tourism industry by more dates.” A few days after I’ve hosted my first English language workshop for members of the tourism industry along the Danube Lower Austria, I am very happy about these words. After all, all of my students have been able to improve their level of English to a degree of confidence that leads them away from hesitating phrases like “er … I don’t know. I think .. you can …”.

Together in a small group with a maximum number of ten people, we train conversation, vocabulary, phrases and grammar: Every year, thousands of international visitors arrive in the Danube region of Lower Austria. A correct and fluent command of English is almost a prerequisite when deciding to work here.

Die Donau in Niederösterreich ist vor allem während der Sommermonate eine stark frequentierte Tourismusregion; schon zu Ostern setzt generell der Besucherstrom dank Radtourismus, Weinveranstaltungen & Ostertraditionen ein.

The Danube in Lower Austria is a popular tourism hotspot, with most visitors arriving during the summer months. The season generally starts with Easter and focuses on cycling tourism, wine culture & Easter traditions, at this time of year.


Ziel der einzelnen Sprachtrainings ist es, durch Konversation und spezifische Übungen zu einem lockeren Umgang mit der Fremdsprache zu gelangen.

The goal of our language training workshops is to achieve a level of confidence that allows for fluent speech and assistance when dealing with foreign visitors.


Die Stadt Krems im Herzen der Donauregion Wachau zieht als internationale Studenten- und Tourismusstadt jährlich Tausende Besucher an. Hier zu wohnen, zu leben und zu arbeiten ist für mich als internationale Sprach- und Tourismus-Expertin ein schönes Gefühl!

The city of Krems, at the heart of the Wachau World Heritage river landscape, draws many (international) visitors and students. Living here as an international tourism and language trainer is therefore a real personal pleasure for me.

Tourism & Languages: A straightforward combination

Studying tourism & languages at the International Management Centre Krems has always been an obvious choice to me. Besides enjoying English as the language of instruction, I have also been able to achieve a degree of proficiency in both Spanish and French, and working on my tourism know-how as a nature guide in New Zealand, UNWTO student in Madrid, international tourism consultant or project manager. English is now wired into my brain like a second mother tongue, making me all the happier for being able to serve others in improving their language skills as a professional language trainer.

Gemeinsam üben wir Dialoge, echte Situationen im Umgang mit Gästen oder Vokabular & Grammatik, um zu einem selbstsicheren Auftreten in der Fremdsprache zu gelangen.

Together with my adult students, we train real conversation situations in a tourism environment. The goal: Self-confidence when speaking English as a foreign language.


Die Atmosphäre hier an der Kremser Volkshochschule ist sehr locker und von einem freundlichen Umgang der Mitarbeiter untereinander geprägt; die Sprachtrainings dienen gleichzeitig dem sozialen Austausch von Erfahrungen untereinander.

The atmosphere is relaxed and easy-going, all participants enjoy these language trainings as a form of social gathering and in order to stay up-to-date with each other’s news.


Befindlichkeiten oder Hemmschwellen gibt es keine, nach drei Stunden wird auch untereinander automatisch auf Englisch gesprochen: Dank an die tolle Sprachgruppe! Ihr seid spitze :)

We laugh a lot together and nobody feels embarrassed to say something: After three hours, my students even talk English among themselves in real conversation. I am so proud of you: Well done everyone! 🙂

I really hope that we will continue our training this spring and enjoy many more opportunities for talking, laughing & sharing stories in English. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day, either.

Thank you everybody for your great support! I look forward to seeing you again and of course enjoy many more similar language trainings or translation work in this area.

Dürnstein in der Wachau gehört zu den am meist besuchtesten Urlaubszielen in ganz Österreich, vor allem internationale Flusskreuzfahrt-Touristen legen hier gerne an. Ein selbstverständlicher Umgang mit Englisch sowie weiteren Fremdsprachen gehört hier mittlerweile zum Standardwerk für alle Tourismus-Mitarbeiter.

Dürnstein in the Wachau valley is one of the most visited tourism destinations in the whole of Austria, especially popular among international river cruise visitors. Being able to address and welcome visitors with a good command of English is actually almost a prerequisite, hence the need for workshops like these.

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