Top accommodation tips for visiting Eastern Styria: Hotel Waldhof Muhr and the Retter Bio Natur Resort.

Sometimes, life gives you a gift.

It’s when thoughts arrive like, “There’s just perfect peace and harmony right now.”

And this is pretty much what we felt throughout our stay in Eastern Styria, travelling to witness the magical blossoming of fruit trees in spring. Our first accommodation, the Hotel Waldhof Muhr (nomen est omen, as “Waldhof” literally means estate in the forest) is a perfect haven for those seeking peace and relaxation inmidst pure nature. Much to my delight, couples and/ or single travellers are just as welcome as parents with children (there is a garden sauna with pool welcoming all ages, plus horses, goats, chickens & more). Next time I come, I’ll have to pack the family!

This time, however, I am here travelling with friends. We are greeted by lovely host Alexandra Muhr, and spend the night in one of the new Natur De Luxe rooms. All the local materials used in the hotel’s construction, such as larch and pear wood, have a very inviting and calming effect on me. From the balcony of my room, I have a good view of the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park and immediately get a picture of the region: rural, dreamy, beckoning you to retreat, enjoy and recharge.

Arrive and breathe a sigh of relief: the Hotel Waldhof Muhr in the middle of the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park in Eastern Styria.

Arrive, revive: the Hotel Waldhof Muhr in the middle of the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park in Eastern Styria.


Welcome cuddles: Riding stable, riding arena and the possibility to go for rides in the surrounding forest landscape make the Waldhof Muhr a well-booked address for horse lovers big and small.

Welcome cuddles: Riding stable, riding arena and the possibility to go for rides in the surrounding forest landscape make the Waldhof Muhr a well-booked address for horse lovers big and small.


Hotel Waldhof Muhr: Rooms, spa area and wonderful, natural cuisine.

As already mentioned at the beginning, the latest extensions in terms of rooms and spa areas have been done with great care. Everything “just fits” at the Hotel Waldhof Muhr, we immediately feel at home. And when the chef, Alexandra’s husband Dietmar Muhr, adds the perfect culinary touch, there is really nothing left to desire. Dinner, as well as breakfast the next day, tastes very very good. By the way, the local produce is also proudly displayed with a 100% guarantee of origin: Quality we can taste on our plates.

Check this out.

View into my newly built Natur De Luxe room at Hotel Waldhof Muhr: From a simple mountain farm to a 4-star hotel, it was a journey of more than 50 years, and the hotel is still a family business.

My Natur De Luxe room at Hotel Waldhof Muhr: From a simple mountain farm to a 4-star hotel, it was a journey of more than 50 years. The place is still run as a family business.


View from my room over the landscape in the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park.

View from my room over the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park.


Vom frisch gebackenen Brot am Morgen ...

Fresh, typical Austrian bread in the morning …


... bis hin zu der köstlichen Verwöhn-Pension am Abend bleiben hier wirklich keine Wünsche offen.

… and lovely dinners in the evening.


Entspannen können wir im gemütlichen Wellnessbereich des Hotels, hier mit Blick aus dem "Waldgeflüster" in Richtung Outdoor Pool.

The recently opened outdoor pool is heated and can easily be accessed from within the (family) spa area.


Around the hotel: What to do and where to go.

Walking around the hotel, I am greeted by numerous two- and four-legged “housemates”: chickens, horses, goats and even deer up at the edge of the forest. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to explore all the hiking and walking trails from the hotel. However, as I intend to return one day, I am sure I can make it up. My children and my husband would surely be thrilled with the facilities, location and offers of the Hotel Waldhof Muhr!

Only a few steps away from the hotel is this playground on the edge of the forest

Only a few steps away from the hotel is this playground on the edge of the forest …


... grüßen mich neben den bereits vorgestellten Pferden und Ziegen auch die Rehe und Hirsche, ganz aufmerksam vom nahe gelegenen Waldrand.

… with deer watching me from the edge of the forest, as if to say their early morning hello.


Retter Bio Natur Resort: Rooms, spa area and again wonderful, natural cuisine.

Known for serving 100% organic food, the Retter Bio Natur Resort is one of the best hotels all over Austria and one I’ve come to appreciate over several different stays in the past.

Twice, my husband and I stayed here before becoming parents for the first and second times in our lives: I really recommend the hotel’s beautiful offer to pamper all parents-to-be. If you are keen, read on here: #Babymoon bliss at the Hotel Retter in Styria, Austria. and #Babymoon bliss reloaded: Hotel Retter in Styria, Austria.

But above all, and I can agree with this one hundred percent, guests come here because of the excellent organic cuisine. “The food is simply great”, a phrase we have heard many times and which has led my husband and me here several times already. All the existing rooms and spa areas are expanded in a gigantic new building project finished in late 2023. You should check it out, too!

Auch hier gilt das Motto: Ankommen, auftanken - in einem der Wohlfühlzimmer des Bio Natur Resort Retter.

Arrive, revive (again) – in one of the hotel’s warmly coloured, inviting rooms.


Der Wellnessbereich des Hauses ...

The existing spa area …


... wird gerade erweitert: Was bin ich gespannt auf meine nächste Reise hierher (soon)!

… is being enlarged and rebuilt as we speak!


View from the wellness area towards the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park and hotel rooms at the Bio Natur Resort Retter.

View from the spa area towards the Pöllauer Tal Nature Park and hotel rooms at the Retter Bio Natur Resort.


Around the hotel: Go visit the Biogut Retter organic farm shop.

But that’s not all: with the Biogut Retter organic farm shop located right next to the hotel, the family-run business produces a large part of its own organic food and drinks, offers guided tours and provides information about the importance of certified organic food. “Organic is not a question of money. Organic is a question of attitude, and education!” says Ulli Retter, the owner. Many of her anecdotes testify to the family’s incredibly courageous entrepreneurial spirit, several setbacks throughout history, yet resulting in opportunities for the future. We listen with rapt attention, taste our way through the variety of products on offer and vow to return soon.

Auf Tuchfühlung mit dem Thema Genuss: Die "Wiege der Hirschbirn" im Biogut Retter ...

Thank you for making us feel so welcome, dear Ulli Retter …


... ist der Blick auf alte Streuobstwiesen neben dem Hotel ...

… nearby, the fruit trees are about to burst into flower …


... viel Zeit für Kosten, Genießen, Einkaufen, Plaudern ...

… while we enjoy discussing what’s on offer …


... und ein Blick hinter die Kulissen, in die Bäckerei des Biogut Retter, in dem täglich genau die Köstlichkeiten gebacken werden, die die Hotelgäste so schätzen und lieben.

… such as these delicious organic bread rolls baked here before breakfast every day.


A final tip: The Genuss Card, which we receive as guests of both hotels, is the largest guest card in Styria and currently counts more than 250 excursion options. The perfect means to discovering local foodie, and other (adventure) destinations.

More about this in my next article about the top producers we visited during our Eastern Styria trip.


Travel video “Route der Genüsse”

Also, check out my video about travelling in both Eastern Styria, as well as the Wertheim region in Southern Germany, both hot spots for gourmet foodie travellers.


Further images from my trip are displayed in this picture gallery:


Disclaimer: I have been invited on this trip by the Eastern Styria tourism board. All opinions are my own.

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