Spring Break: Fresh Feelings with #Balticdiscovery

Sunday, 12 May, 2013. Dear readers, I will admit to it: I have been abstinent.

Eight (long!) days have passed since my last blog post about the great #balticdiscovery trip experience, and I have only just managed to update you every now & then on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & Flickr. Thanks to the countless creative and amazing experiences we have had out there in the beautiful, mostly WiFi-free Baltic Sea landscape, I am only now able to update you fully. Here we go, then. Enjoy the photos and feelings shared by the “Kreativsaison Mecklenburg” together with our team of young journalists Maximo Perez, Andreas Thamm, Juli Zucker, Emilie Lukman & Daniela De Lorenzo. It was just perfect – “LUSTIG” (fun!) as we mentioned so often together! 😀

#BALTICDISCOVERY here we go !!


#Balticdiscovery Travel Photography

And because it’s been just lovely being by the sea, in the spring, surrounded by young inspirational people …

… I have prepared this selection of the most beautiful #balticdiscovery travel photos for you. These pictures truly deserve to stand out and INSPIRE. Don’t you think?

Unser zauberhaftes, junges & stets top gestyltes Organisationsteam der #balticdiscovery an der Ostsee: Teresa Trabert und ihre Freundin Burcin, die uns mit viel Liebe, Herzlichkeit & Heiterkeit empfangen und berührt haben.

Our wonderful, young creative organising committee for #balticdiscovery at the Baltic Sea in Mecklenburg: Teresa Trabert and her friend Burcin (in the front), who have ensured everything went really well on this trip.


Initiatorin & Projektleiterin der Kreativsaison Mecklenburg, die fröhliche Katharina Trabert an der Strandpromenade von Kühlungsborn!

Master mind behind and responsible for the project development of the Kreativsaison Mecklenburg, our happy team member Katharina Trabert at the beach walk in Kühlungsborn!


Eines meiner liebsten Stimmungsbilder zur Ostseereise in diesem Frühjahr ...

One of my favourite #balticdiscovery travel photos …


Abends genießt man in Kühlungsborn am besten einen köstlichen Aperol Spritz im Bar & Cafe Vielmeer.

During an evening in Kühlungsborn, you should head out to Bar & Cafe Vielmeer. Worth it!


Unweit von Kühlungsborn begeistert uns das Herrenhaus Büttelkow mitsamt seinen kreativen Talenten wie hier dem Hausherrn Andreas, der durch seine Weisheiten & künstlerische Fähigkeiten besticht. Nachts dreht er sogar die Disko am Lagerfeuer auf - Wahnsinn! "Wie cool!" - mein oft getätigter Spruch diese Woche.

Just near the coastal resort town Kühlungsborn, the Herrenhaus estate Büttelkow together with its creative hosts Andreas & Antje is truly a secret tip for recharging your emotional batteries. In the evening, Andreas even turns on the discotheque using a portable speaker by the camp fire. “How cool!” – my favourite phrase during the entire #balticdiscovery!


Beim Kreativ-Workshop schaffen wir aus Zweigen und flüssigem Wachs einmalige Skulpturen im Künstlergarten des Herrenhaus von Büttelkow.

During a creative workshop, we craft new wooden sculptures using hot wax in the garden of the Herrenhaus estate Büttelkow.


Der einmalige Zauber des Herrenhauses von Büttelkow, einem der besten Landsitze für Kreativtourismus in der gesamten Region.

A magic spell is cast on the entire estate in the spring: One of the most beautiful places to visit in order to experience a sense of place and creative tourism in the area.



Wenig später geht es in Rostock "zur Sache": Bei der Nähmarie fertigen Juli aus Deutschland & Emilie aus Dänemark ihre eigenen Stoffpins mit Bezug zur Hansestadt Rostock. Diesen einmaligen Moment des Stolzes ob der eigenen Schaffensfreude habe ich hier eingefangen.!

A little later in the city of Rostock: At a place called “Nähmarie”, Juli from Germany (on the right) & Emilie from Denmark make their own prints using marine motives related to this Hanseatic city. This unique moment of pure joy of creation is captured in this photograph, again one of my favourite of all!


Ich mag Euch wirklich total gern. Es war sooo wunderschön hier, an der Ostsee im Team mit jungen (Video)Bloggern & Journalisten. Von rechts nach links: Andreas (DE), Emilie (DK), Juli (DE), Burcin (DE), Teresa (DE), Maximo (ES), Daniela (IT). YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING !!! #Balticdiscovery :)

I really enjoyed meeting you all. It has been sooo beautiful here at the Baltic Sea surrounded by our international team of young (video) bloggers, journalists & media students. From left to right: Andreas (DE), Emilie (DK), Juli (DE), Burcin (DE), Teresa (DE), Maximo (ES), Daniela (IT). YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING !!! #Balticdiscovery 🙂


Kreativsaison / Teresa 12 May 2013 - 10:13

AWESOME!! Thank you so much, Elena. It was such an enrichment having you in the #balticdiscovery-team!

Elena 12 May 2013 - 12:03


Words fail me when trying to express my gratitude towards YOU, wonderful organizing team 😀 You made this a TRIP OF A LIFETIME for me. More articles & impressions will follow!

LOVE to you & all the #balticdiscovery, yay 🙂


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