#GansBurgenland: The goose is loose in Burgenland!

Fairy-tale like emotions. If over 1.300 geese are running towards you, cackling like hell, then you have all the right to feel overwhelmed. We were diving deep in our emotions in Southern Burgenland, a region that sees the farming of geese being protected as part of the Austrian “Genussregionen“, or gourmet districts. All these districts follow certain quality criteria for the protection of agricultural biodiversity, including the happily cackling, white geese in front of us. “More than 1.300 live here”, Wolfgang who manages the geese tells us while leading us around their enclosure. “However, their happy days are numbered: Around the time of Martini, a lot of geese are eaten following the traditional November festivities here in Austria. It is mostly private households who come to choose ‘their goose’, since they know the geese have led a satisfied life out here – quality that counts. At restaurants, it is often harder to argue the higher price for the ‘happy goose‘, and this is part of the reason why we are here: In order to raise awareness among consumers.”

Well. I better not tell you, why we too, are here today.

It is really quite difficult to contrast your own emotions, the appearance of the sweet white geese, their funny looks and happy cackling with the fact that your travel motto is Gans Burgenland” – meaning a culinary trip around the preparation of the local Burgenland goose. So, I am afraid, one goose has to go. Check it out.

Aufgeregt schnattern "unsere lieben Weidegänse": Was für ein Spektakel hier im Weinort Eisenberg - Deutsch-Schützen im Südburgenland ..

Happy cackling of geese: Coming to check out their farmland in Eisenberg – Deutsch-Schützen in Southern Burgenland ..


Gänse sind von Natur aus neugierige Tiere ...

Geese are actually quite curious animals …


... und demonstrieren ihr Alltagsglück hier im Südburgenland sehr gerne.

… ready to demonstrate their happiness of being here in Southern Burgenland. 😀


Bald schon sind wir gar nicht mehr so interessant, denn Vollmond naht - und damit eine aufregende Nacht für die schnatternden Tiere!

Soon enough, their interest in us has faded and they start getting excited for a night of full moon: “During this time of the month”, Wolfgang tells us, “the geese go crazy!”


Gänserich Wolfgang beantwortet uns alle Fragen rund ums Thema "Gans Burgenland". Hier zeigt er uns, welche Genuss-Produkte zur Gans verkauft werden.

Wolfgang patiently answers all our questions about the geese, including a short demonstration of what he later sells, including delicious geese pâté.


The goose (really) is loose: Geese are everywhere in Burgenland!

Geese have found a natural home in Burgenland. From north till south, they are part of the traditional farmland district enjoying the mild Pannonian climate here. Around the time of Martini festivities is a good time to travel in order to savour geese products. We start our culinary trip in the very south of the country, at the Hotel Schwabenhof, where geese are decorating the breakfast room as well as the gourmet menu. The same is true of the top restaurant Am Nyikospark in Neusiedl am See, where geese inspire furniture & menu details. Last but not least, we had a look around Eisenstadt, the provincial capital of Burgenland, only to find geese “flying off” the wine glasses there … what a story, really!

Das Hotel Schwabenhof im südburgenländischen Ort Hagenbrunn überzeugt uns mit seiner herzlichen Atmosphäre und ausgezeichneten Wildküche.

The Hotel Schwabenhof in Hagenbrunn spoils us to its warm atmosphere and excellent venison cuisine.


200 Kilometer weiter nördlich, in der Landeshauptstadt Eisenstadt, landen die Gänse sogar auf unseren Weingläsern: Zwischenstopp in der Genuss-Vinothek gegenüber dem berühmten Schloss Esterházy.

About 200 kilometres further north, geese run around our wine glasses while we stop to take in the beautiful surroundings of the Esterházy Palace in the heart of the provincial capital city Eisenstadt.


Und auch hier im Landgasthaus Nyikospark in der Stadt Neusiedl am See stoßen wir auf die Gans: Das Abendessen hier ist wirklich einmalig gut, nicht umsonst zählt die Gastronomie sämtliche Auszeichnungen der Top-Hauben-Gastronomie.

And also here, at the Landgasthaus top gourmet restaurant Am Nyikospark, we are being greeted by the geese.


Zarte Gänseleber-Variationen grüßen uns zur Vorspeise .. die Qualität der Speisen ist vom Feinsten.

Tender geese pâté is for starters … The quality of the meals here is truly excellent, the restaurant deserving each of its many top gastronomy awards.


Für den Hauptgang entscheide ich mich für Reh-Medaillons aus dem nahegelegenen Leithagebirge ... Köstlich, zart, einfach unglaublich schmackhaft.

As a main course, I opt for this tasty venison dish: Local deer with mushroom pancakes like I have never eaten before … Simply divine. I really want to come back here soon!


Pepper & cherry ladies Ilona & Rosi meet with us at the restaurant “Altes Brauhaus” in Frauenkirchen in order to prepare & cook our goose!

“There is always something going on here, yet we try and stay calm and relaxed”, Ilona laughs and whirls around the restaurant “Altes Brauhaus” in northern Burgenland close to the Hungarian border. “Tonight, I am invited to dance Flamenco!”, she sings. Full of temper is what people call her, the “Paprikawirtin” or pepper lady because of her kitchen’s ties with Pannonian – Hungarian cuisine. “We really use a lot of pepper”, Ilona smiles.

The day of our visit at Ilona’s is really special. We start up early, around 09.00 o’clock in the morning: “Our goose” is to be prepared and fried! The one (and only) we took all the way from Southern Burgenland, accompanied by juicy cherries Rosi grows in her own garden. Beautiful. We steal looks over the shoulder of our expert chef and discover what traditionally goes with goose meals here in Burgenland: Warm cabbage salad. Fresh dumplings. Red cabbage served with stewed apples. And lentils. Oh, sooo good.!

Liebe Vegetarier ... so sieht's aus. Bitte wem's nicht behagt wegsehen ... Unsere Gans jedenfalls, bereit für den Ofen.

Dear vegetarians … this is what it looks like. Sorry for those of you bothered by the look: Here is our goose, all set and ready to go full of spices, for the oven ..


Zusätzlich schmoren wir Kirschen für den guten Beigeschmack ... Rosie hat diese extra aus ihrem Garten und den uralten, für das Burgenland typischen Kirschsorten mitgebracht. Vielen Dank, Rosi !!!

Juicy cherries are what enhances the meal and its many flavours … Thank you once again dear Rosi for joining in the fun!


Ilona & Rosi (von links nach rechts) beim Präsentieren & Verkosten der Vorspeise ... Gänseleber-Parfait mit Quittengelee. Mmmh!

Ilona & Rosi (from left to right) presenting our starter dish: Goose liver pâté with quince jelly. Yum!


So ein Gans'l-Essen hat's in sich - satt bin ich hier für den ganzen Tag und bekomme erst 24 Stunden später wieder Hunger ... Wohl bekomm's!

Our goose was beautiful, tender and delicious … It lasted me for almost 24 hours, and I did not need dinner that day. 😀


Gruß aus der Küche: Die Damen (und Herren) beim traditionellen, selbst zubereiteten Gans Burgenland-Festtagsmenü. Hier möchten wir öfter wiederkommen!

Cheers, Prost & Mahlzeit everyone: Joining us on this trip are Petar & Monika Fuchs of TravelWorldOnline who have become real experts on all things culinary delights here in Austria. It is always wonderful to travel together with you!


If you are interested in what else we saw on this trip in Burgenland, then check out the following photo album. I will soon tell you more about our visit to the apple orchard, the vinegar queen & one of the most modern wine shops in the whole of Europe – all happening here in Burgenland. Stay tuned … ! 😀


Disclaimer: A big word of Thankyou to the busy, happy organizer Ursula Waba & the entire team of Burgenland Tourismus for inviting us on this trip to “Gans Burgenland“. Read more about Ursula’s own Burgenland stories on her private travel blog “Toursula”! All opinions are my own.

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