#BloggerWellness at the Wine Spa Hotel Althof Retz in Lower Austria

“What was the highlight of our trip to Retz for you?”, I ask Marc over lunch. He pauses for a moment, then looks up at me and smiles: “The winter wonderland, straight out of a fairy tale! As well as the views upon the country around Retz from the warm waters of our Infinity Pool …!” I smile, equally recalling the memory of bathing in that pool, the warm colours of red and yellow around Hotel Althof Retz as well as the recently built wellness area with all kind of modern facilities available. Beautiful. But a house does not make a home. Therefore, I answer Marc: “For me, the highlight has been the happy, heartfelt hospitality expressed by all employees at the hotel, their palpable excitement at the re-opening of this traditional house in Retz.”


Hotel Althof Retz offers heartfelt hospitality for sure. The fact that they also have access to one of the largest, subterranean wine cellar networks of Austria, is clearly not a bad thing either.

“What would you like to drink?”, I’m asking Marc now. “A glass of wine or ..?” He gently refuses, and I can see why. Yes, we have been drinking many a glass (or two) during our visit in Retz. The wine tasting menus in the evening, the Heurigen snacks served with wine, the wine tastings after the wine cellar tour or our visit of the ancient wind mill in Retz have all left their “gentle marks” on us. To what extent wine reigns and rules the fortunes of Hotel Althof Retz is my focus in my earlier article here (including some tips on how to work and walk off those wine & foodie calories, too).

First of all though, let’s take a look at the so-called “Winzerzimmer” (wine rooms) of the Hotel Althof Retz, because …

Schon bei der Ankunft in unseren "Winzerzimmern", die jeweils eine Winzerfamilie aus der näheren Umgebung vorstellen ...

… even just arriving in those comfortable, completely new rooms, each representing a local wine growing family …


… wird klar, dass am Wein kein Vorbeikommen ist: Weinkühlschrank und Verkostungsgläser zieren den Raumeingang, auf Wunsch kann selbiger über Nacht auch ausgeschalten werden.

… it is clear that wine is the ruling motto here: Our room even has its own wine fridge with a selection of local area wines to choose from.


Wir nächtigen im Zimmer "Weingut Familie Norbert & Gisela Bauer" ...

The room we are staying in is called “Weingut Familie Norbert & Gisela Bauer” …


… und werden von Anfang an neugierig auf den neu eröffneten VinoSpa ...

… and we are really tempted to make straight for the VinoSpa wellness area …


… über den aktuell an allen Ecken und Enden des Hauses informiert wird.

… with information about it proudly presented in every nook and cranny of the hotel.


Ein Hochgenuss kommt selten allein: Gemeinsam mit meinen KollegInnen Angelika Mandler von Wiederunterwegs.com, Katja vom WellSpa-Portal.de, Monika & Petar Fuchs von Travelworldonline.de sowie Gudrun Krinzinger aka Reisebloggerin.at.

Celebrating the good times: Together with my friends & fellow Austrian / German travel writers Angelika, of Wiederunterwegs.com, Katja of WellSpa-Portal.de, Monika & Petar Fuchs of TravelWorldOnline.de as well as Gudrun Krinzinger of Reisebloggerin.at. Check out what they have to say about Hotel Althof Retz on their blogs.


Die Menüfolge beim Weinkulinarium ...

The wine tasting menu …


… inklusive regionaler Weinbegleitung ...

… including local specialities served with each course …


… mundet hervorragend ...

… is the best choice you can make …


… wenn ich Tage später noch träumen kann ..!

… for enjoying what the area has to offer: Still dreaming about this melting, hot chocolate cake today ..!


“Take your time”, is the motto of the house up here in the north of Austria, right by the border with the Czech Republic, a country marked by gently rolling hills perfectly suitable to the ancient tradition of viticulture.

Slowing down is a natural occurrence at the Hotel Althof Retz. The clocks just go slower. The corn takes its time to grow, as does the wine to mature. Retz up here in the north of Lower Austria is home to one of the last, fully functional wind mills of Austria, whose magic I have already come to explore several years ago. The newly built “Infinity Pool” now offers magnificent views over the wind mill, as well as 360° views over the country and city of Retz.



Up here, high above the rooftops of Retz, you can let your thoughts run wild – or simply silence them in the hot waters of the pool. If what you manage is only small talk with your pool neighbours, then that’s just fine – everybody is the same up there in this warm water paradise. Check out the infinity pool in the early morning, as you are likely to be first (and only one) to come up here. Swimming “right into the landscape”, or simply closing your eyes, daydreaming away …

Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund: Blick auf den Empfangsbereich des neuen VinoSpa im Hotel Althof Retz ...

The new reception area at the VinoSpa wellness area of the Hotel Althof Retz …


… mir gefällt, dass selbst der Spa- und Massage-Bereich ...

… where each little detail in the hotel …


… sowie die Zugänge zu Sauna, Dampfbad & Co. stets Elemente des Weinbaus der Region aufweisen ...

… as well as access to the saunas and steam chambers carry elements …


… wie auch hier ...

… of wine growing in this area …


… oder hier: Erfrischende Abkühlung nach dem Saunagang im sogenannten "Turmpool", welches direkt in eine Nische der ehemaligen Stadtmauer von Retz gebaut wurde.

… and would you believe that this outdoor pool, designed to cool you down after the sauna, is built right into a corner of the ancient city walls of Retz? Cool stuff.


Im Saunabereich ...

The lounge areas of the sauna …


… stehen begeisterten Saunagästen wie mir drei verschiedene Saunen, Dampfbäder, Infrarot-Kabine & mehr zur Verfügung.

… have only recently been opened, too.


Und immer wieder lockt der neue VinoSpa Infinity Pool hoch über den Dächern von Retz: Genussvolle Gelassenheit pur!

And forever, you will be tempted by a visit to the infinity pool high up above the rooftops of Retz …!


Last but not least, all that is left to do is to be in and celebrate the moment. Relax and enjoy the fresh air, the peace and quiet, the great wines as well as a walk across the land. I am already planning on taking my winelover friends back here on a visit. This VinoSpa at the Hotel Althof Retz: A true #winelover hideaway!

"Dog-friendly": Das Hotel Althof Retz heißt Vierbeiner herzlich willkommen.

“Dog-friendly”: Hotel Althof Retz welcomes dogs at any time …


… und besticht weiters durch seine einzigartige Lage in unmittelbarer Nähe des Hauptplatzes von Retz sowie zur Retzer Windmühle und den ringsum liegenden Weinbergen.

… and offers a great location right next to the surrounding landscape as well as in close proximity of the main square and town hall of Retz.


Vielen Dank auch an unser Gastgeber-Team rund um Markus Hann, Bernd Kleinschuster & Alexander Ipp ...

Thank you for the warm welcome, dear Markus Hann, Bernd Kleinschuster & Alexander Ipp, who have, like us, not feared the fresh snow in “fighting” our way up to the wind mill of Retz …


… bis bald in Retz!

… and thus, all that is left to say is: See you soon in Retz!


Want to know even more about the local Weinviertel area as well as the Hotel Althof Retz? Head over to my Flickr photo gallery and click yourself through a really nice piece of home for me – right here in Lower Austria!


Disclaimer: We have been invited by Hotel Althof Retz in order to enjoy Retz and explore the local area surroundings. All opinions are my own.

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