Shopping with Lucie! in Vienna

It’s the last Saturday before Christmas and we can’t think of anything else but going shopping. Are we insane? The heart of Vienna: Aggressive crowds, stressed-out sales assistants, good chances of ruining your coat with spilled Glühwein in the streets. So what to do if all you’ve got is one weekend in town? We suggest you take to the heart of the 7th district & go Shopping with Lucie! 

Lucie ist unser "Star" der Stunde: Seit über drei Jahren bietet sie in Kooperation mit Wiener Hotels bzw. gerne auch auf eigene Faust Shopping with Lucie! - Touren in der Wiener Innenstadt an:

Lucie is our “guiding light”: For more than three years, she has been running “Shopping with Lucie!” in the heart of the Vienna fashion districts, such as the 1st, 4th or 7th districts:


Hier kleiden wir uns gerne neu ein: Beim Shoppen neue Trends, Schnitte & Designer aufspüren.

We really enjoy hunting down individual designers, new items of fashion and try on cool clothes during our tour.


Der Blick ins Börsel verrät: Shopping-Queens sind unterwegs! :)

Go prepared: Bring your wallet as Shopping Queens are on their way! 🙂


Charming Lucie, who originally hails from New York, decided to offer shopping tours common in the Big Apple right here in Vienna. Together with my girl friends from Frankfurt, we discover great designers, smart fashionistas & individual boutique shops such as Austrian organic fair-trade cotton brand “Göttin des Glücks” or local bag icon “Ina Kent” thanks to Lucie’s expert guidance in the heart of the 7th district.

For € 28,-, you can enjoy an exclusive and individual shopping tour that lasts between three to four hours. In addition, we each receive a -10% discount voucher which is valid at each of the shops visited for up to two weeks after the tour! Beaming with excitement, chatting along merrily, trying & catwalking with friends, we take to the local shops: Girls, this is it !!

Spaß hat, wer kreativ ist: Unsere Mädls aus Frankfurt sind zum ersten Mal in Wien und gleich restlos von der Stadt und ihrer Kreativ-Szene begeistert!

My girls from Frankfurt are all here for the first time and have fallen head over heels with Vienna – or shopping, that is!


Da macht es gleich noch mehr Spaß, wenn wir obendrein noch Sekt & Kekse serviert bekommen: Shopping mit Stil in kleinem, aber feinen Rahmen und sehr persönlich. We like :)

After visiting about five shops and designer studios, we even get treated to some sparkling wine & cookies. What a great tour! We like 🙂


"Die Göttin des Glücks kommt nur dann, wenn sie Lust dazu hat." Recht hat sie. Bei den feinen & fair-gehandelten Baumwollen-Teilen der "Göttin des Glücks" wird man gerne handgreiflich :)

This panty promotes real soft, “touch-me” organic & fair trade cotton made in Austria. “Göttin des Glücks” is a really nice brand I can definitely recommend you check out 🙂


Weiters entdecken wir tolle Accessoires, welche den Zeitgeist der Stunde widerspiegeln: Hier ein fein und individuell genähtes Leder-Etui für das iPhone. Schon ein Hingucker!

Check out this small leather bag made for iPhone: A must-have for tech-savvy shoppers.


Nicht genug bekommen: Wer als Kind schon Lego-Fan war, kann es auch heute noch sein. Hier mit originellen Armreifen & Ohrringen

Are you a “Lego” fan yourself? I have been since my childhood, still I’m not sure whether I would wear what I used to build houses or farms with as earrings, rings or bracelets. Trends is certainly what we come across during this individual discovery tour of Vienna’s 7th fashion district!

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