Vancouver & Whale Watching on Vancouver Island: Discovering the Pacific Coast of Canada.

What’s the best way to travel to Vancouver? If, like us in this case, you happen not to arrive by plane, but by land, then it’s worth considering a journey with the Canadian train VIA Rail. This train offers you unique landscape impressions combined with the convenience of simply getting on in the middle of the Rocky Mountains and waking up at the coast … a really nice way to travel! From Jasper, the place of our last explorations, we take about half a day and one night to cover the 1,000 kilometres, full board catering and panorama sleeping car included.

Mit dem Zug durch die Rocky Mountains: Eine tolle Alternative zu jedem Roadtrip ...

Taking the train through the Rocky Mountains: A stress free, and very scenic alternative to any road trip …


... fein wird hier an der vorüberziehenden Landschaft gespeist ...

… plus you’ll enjoy the fine dining and cuisine on board the train …


... tauchen einzigartige Naturdenkmäler vor unserem Zugfenster auf ...

… as well as the natural wonders such as this waterfall: The train even slows down to allow everybody to take their pictures!


... und sind wir, eh wir's uns versehen, mitten in Vancouver angelangt : An der Pacific Railway Station mitten in der Stadt.

A night later, we’ve arrived in the middle of Vancouver, by Pacific Railway Station, and set off to explore the city during glorious morning light.


Discovering Vancouver: As it’s Georg’s first ever visit to Vancouver, I take him past iconic sites such as Waterfront, Stanley Park and Granville Island.

Just a little hint: If you like it a little bit more unusual, we can recommend the indigenous hotel “Skwachàys Lodge” to you. It comes complete with its own souvenir shop, and has its hotel rooms furnished in the style of the First Nations of Canada. I still like to wear the shirts and jewellery I bought! The Lodge is also close to the oldest part of Vancouver, Gastown. You can walk to the Waterfront and have everything you need or wish to see within easy reach. Staff and breakfast are really great, too!

Der Kultur Kanadas etwas Gutes tun: Im Fair Trade Shop lokaler, einheimischer Künstler einkaufen ...

Fair trade shopping and chatting to the “real locals” of Vancouver …


... an der Waterfront den berühmten "Water taxis", kleinen Wasserflugzeugen mit Platz für bis zu zwölf Passagiere, beim Starten und Landen zusehen ...

… watching the famous water taxis take off and land at Vancouver harbour …


... im Stanley Park die berühmten Totempfähle der First Nation Ureinwohner dieses Teils von Kanada bestaunen ...

… heading over to Stanley park for a glimpse at their iconic totem poles …


... und den Blick zurück auf die moderne Innenstadt Vancouvers genießen.

… and simply enjoying “la dolce vita” by the Pacific: That is Vancouver on a glorious day like this.


Georg gefällt's: Bei Traumwetter wie diesem kein Wunder!

Georg loves it, and who wouldn’t, really!


From Vancouver, we take to visiting Victoria, the capital city of Vancouver Island: A “Whale Watching Tour” is waiting for us here.

Georg was kind enough to organise this tour as a present for my 35th birthday! The surprise being perfect, we head out into the calm strait between Vancouver Island and the Canadian/American mainland: Supposedly, there are big schools of humpback whales to be found here. And yes: Again and again, the scouts of our “Eagle Wings Whale Watching” tour are able to spot them, bringing us very close to the gentle grey giants. Fascinating. When the whales dive up and down, the entire crew suddenly becomes silent: A natural spectacle commanding awe without pathos. Wow. Check this out.


The sea lions lodging on their small lighthouse island off the coast of Victoria have taken a liking to us, too! Georg is clearly fascinated: He has never seen whales & sea lions combined like this before, and my last time was many years ago in New Zealand! The large animals with their funny movements kept all of us, children and adults, spellbound and entertained.


Last but not least, we took the time for a very special family photo. Two years ago, during my first visit in Vancouver and the so-called “Southern Gulf Islands“, I got to know Darlene & Vaughan Walters from French Country Fabrics on the artist island Salt Spring Island. Both are just so adorable that I simply had to introduce them to Georg. So we again took the ferry from Victoria harbour to Salt Spring Island (about 40 minutes) and decided to fly back to Vancouver City by ways of one of these famous water taxi sea planes (about 20 minutes).

Bye bye ...

Bye bye …


Victoria Island samt der Hauptstadt Victoria ...

… Victoria Island as well as the capital city, Victoria …


... hallo Salt Spring Island und unser schönes Wiedersehen mit Darlene & Vaughan Walters (links im Bild)

… hello Salt Spring Island and our lovely reunion with Darlene & Vaughan Walters, whose Creative Art Studio you should really visit during your next “Salt Spring Island Tour”.


Check out even more travel stories about Vancouver & around to inspire and inform you:


Find even more pictures here:


And most importantly: Enjoy yourselves in this truly beautiful part of the world!

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