Take Me Out: A Walk for the Soul in Grafenegg, Lower Austria

Mighty witnesses of the past which, despite their pompous allure still allow room for the future. A spot where Baroque art de vivre and girly gossip mingle. Where children roam the park with their dogs in stark contrast to the still, ancient castle facades. And next to it all, the soaring tower “Wolkenturm” with its reflections of the grey sky beyond and the first, ever so faint blossoms of spring on the ground below. It is mesmerising to take a walk in the castle park of Grafenegg in Lower Austria, in close proximity to the cities of Tulln and Krems. My homecoming of a special kind.

Vor wenigen Jahren ist der Grafenegger "Wolkenturm" als Bühne für klassische Musik und renommierte internationale Konzerte entstanden - eine Sensation inmitten des historischen Schlossparks von Grafenegg, die sich weit über die Grenzen hinaus einen Namen gemacht hat.

A few years ago, the unique “Wolkenturm” has been created as a venue for international concerts and operas and has contributed to the fact that Grafenegg is now closely associated with international classical music.


Unterwegs in Grafenegg: Was geht denn hier vor? :)

Taking a walk in Grafenegg: Playing around with modern installations 🙂


Schloss Grafenegg.

Grafenegg Palace.


Gemeinsam ist man weniger allein ... ;)

“Ensemble, c’est tout” … 😉


.. und kann sich gleich doppelt freuen: "Hallo ihr Lieben, wirklich ersten tapferen Blüten des Jahres!"

.. plus, you can share the joy: “Look at you, beauties, first blossoms of a still very timid spring!”


Park landscapes have always fascinated people. The palace gardens of Grafenegg are no exception: Despite being spoilt for choice with the many walking & hiking options in the surroundings, my friends, family and I are often drawn here. It is like a welcoming escape into a unique microcosm, complete with large tree giants, spellbound spots, cute little hideaways and wide open spaces that beckon you to walk right across them. My photo camera is like the nose of a dog, drawing me here and there and all excited: This corner, this angle, this detail. Beautiful!

Experimentierfreudig: Die "Baumschaukel" erinnert mich an einen ganz ähnlich geformten Ast, in dem ich nur sechs Wochen zuvor in Feuerland, Patagonien gelegen bin!

Happy as a child: This “tree swing” reminds me of a branch looking just like this, where I gently swayed only six weeks ago at the other side of the world: In Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia!


"Die Vögel".

“The Birds”. Uuuhhh … Scared, anyone? 🙂


Hm ... Wer heute wohl noch zu Besuch kommt?

Mmmh … I wonder who else might be visiting my castle today?


Ostern bei 3°C und leichtem Schneefall ... Dieses Jahr leider kein Aprilscherz!

This year, we celebrate Easter at 3°C and snow flakes falling … !


Hallo, Welt! :)

Hello world! 🙂

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