Food Romance: Culinary Delights in Galicia from Vigo to Santiago de Compostela

Romaticising: Oh ain’t it beautiful. And Galicia has it all: Breathtaking coastal landscapes. Deep blue sea. Turquoise sandy bays. Beautiful summer sunshine. Happy people. And then the cuisine … Seafood. Cheese. Wine. Paella. Tortilla. Dear heart, WHAT else is it you want right now!?

(Eating. Perhaps.) Enjoy !!

Zubeißen in Galizien: In der pulsierenden Kulturmetropole & Pilgerhauptstadt Santiago de Compostela lassen wir es uns gut gehen.

Digging in in Galicia: We enjoy a typical Galician cheese platter in the cultural capital & pilgrimage city Santiago de Compostela.


Die hausgemachten "Empanadas Gallegas" (galizisiche Empanadas mit dunklem Fladenbrot) sind aber auch zu gut ... hier mit leckerem Thunfisch gefüllt.

Home-made “Empanadas Gallegas” (Galician empanadas with dark rye bread) are simply divine … filled with juicy tuna, as in this case.


Darf es lieber etwas Klassisches sein? Köstliche Paella direkt am Strand ...

Or do you prefer a more classic dish? Paella right by the beach it is, then …


Allen Grund zum Lachen: Bei diesen kulinarischen Leckerbissen kann man einfach nicht Nein sagen. Marinierter Tintenfisch der vor kurzem noch ...

All the reasons to smile: Beautiful “pulpo gallego” with spices and olive oil, another truly divine dish. Only a little while, this creature was still looking …


... so ausgesehen hat !!! aaaah :)

… more like this! aaaah 🙂 Very tasty, though. I swear!


Meine Freundin Sandra Touza, vom Kreativ-Netzwerk Galiziens "Ponle Cara Al Turismo", zeigt mir "ihr" Vigo & Galizien in nur drei Tagen - von der Hafenstadt Vigo bis ins Landesinnere und Santiago de Compostela.

My friend Sandra Touza, founder & manager of the Creative Tourism Network in Galicia, “Ponle Cara Al Turismo“, shows me “her” Vigo and Santiago de Compostela in less than three days’ visit. Beautiful!


Culinary Adventure Trips in Vigo, the largest (port) city of Galicia

The best thing about talking a walk in the port city Vigo, located right by the Atlantic Sea with its mesmerizing views out over the open ocean dotted with cruise ships, is the fact that you will always end up in great (tapas) bars. There literally is no way round them here. A trip to Vigo has to be about food and culture, no matter if it is a beer or a coffee you order sampling one of the city’s typical tapas delights, a more classic wine tasting you are looking for or indeed a cheese workshop right in the old town. Er, cheese workshops? My travel video will show you what the creative culinary networks in Galicia have to offer … check it out!

Vigo bietet zahlreiche lauschige Plazas wie hier mitten in der Altstadt, el Casco Bello.

Vigo offers countless charming Plazas, such as this one in the heart of the old town, el Casco Bello.


Nicht nur Neues findet man hier, auch viele Spuren der ersten Siedler: "Casas Celtas" im Stadtpark von Vigo.

It is not only modern shopping centres you find here: “Casas Celtas”, traces of the first settlers in Vigo many thousand years ago.


Und immer wieder ... dieser weite, offene Blick aufs Meer. Zum Träumen ... und Romantisieren!

And always, the views out into the open … dreaming away … romanticising !


Kurz vorbeigeschaut: Diese Dame begrüßt uns mit "centollos", Meereskrabben aus dem Atlantik!

Just checking with the lady next doors: She is offering us typical seafood “centollos” here.


Zum Mittagessen statten wir dem köstlichen Tapas-Lokal Pintxeito in der Altstadt von Vigo einen Besuch ab.

For lunch, we check out famous local tapas bar Pintxeito in the heart of the old town in Vigo.


Dieser Tintenfisch mit frischem spanischen Olivenöl ist vielleicht das Beste, was ich hier gegessen habe ... ein Gedicht !!

This pulpo with fresh Spanish olive oil and herbs may very well be the best I ever ate … so far. anyway. In Vigo !!


Vigo und seine Umgebung laden wirklich zum Träumen ein ... ideal für Romanzen jeglicher Art. ;-)

Vigo and the surroundings truly cater to postcard imagery … A dream come true. Very romantic indeed! 😉


“Shoppilgrim” & further food romances: A day trip to Santiago de Compostela

The great pilgrim destination of Santiago de Compostela. My visit has been much too short in order to tell you in full about this unique pilgrimage site. However, I can share with you that as a “shoppilgrim” and a gourmet food lover, you will be equally well received here. Next time, however, I do plan arriving by walking here. And perhaps indulge in less of a food romance. Will this ever happen, I wonder … ? Stay tuned!

Bevor wir Santiago de Compostela erreichen, genießen wir erst mal frisch gebratene Paprika mit Gewürzen und Olivenöl unter der Sonne Galiziens ...

Before arriving in Santiago de Compostela, we first enjoy freshly roasted capsicum with spices and herbs marinated in olive oil … divine.


Navajas-Muscheln ... Dank meiner Entdeckungsreise in der Fischfabrik Luis Escoris Batalla weiß ich diese köstliche Meeresfrucht nun umso besser zu würdigen. Ein köstliches Gericht Galiziens!

Navajas … Thanks to my delightful tasting workshop at the fish and seafood factory of Luis Escoris Batalla, I now know how to fully appreciate this delicacy. Lovely!


Mit meiner Freundin Sandra Touza, die wir die gleiche Leidenschaft für gutes Essen und kreative Reiseabenteuer teilen!

The girls: Sharing a mutual passion for creative culinary travel adventures with Sandra Touza from Galicia.


Angekommen in Santiago de Compostela, gönnen wir uns eine gute Stunde in & rund um die berühmten Kathedrale der weltbekannten Pilgerstadt ... bevor es zu mehr Shopping- & Gourmet-Tempeln geht ;-)

Having arrived in Santiago de Compostela, we spend a good hour in & around the famous cathedral in town, before we are drawn to more shopping and gourmet temples around the old city … 😉


Guten Appetit, ihr Lieben :D

Travel, culture & food: This is exactly what I like. Keep enjoying it with me, dear readers! 😀

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Arthur Gilles 15 August 2013 - 01:39

A city that is both European without forgetting its Spanish heritage and modern without forgoing its cultural ancestry. The people, places and general safe environment make for a pulsating, exciting city with sufficient activities to satisfy the city tourist, countryside camper, trekking or mountaineering types.

Elena 15 August 2013 - 11:34

Dear Arthur,

Thank you for your comment on my blog! I had wonderful experiences in Galicia and would certainly recommend travelling there, loved the cities a great deal, too plus the surrounding landscape caters to many tastes. Enjoy browsing through more of my travels in Spain:


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